Niigata Agricultural Research Institute | 論文
- 新潟県の畑地および水田における緑肥作物「ヘアリーベッチ」の生育
- 新潟県における緑肥作物「ヘアリーベッチ」鋤込みが水稲の生育と収量に及ぼす影響
- Analysis of the nitrogen nutrition of soybean plants with deep placement of coated urea and lime nitrogen(Plant Nutrition)
- Comparison of the depth of placement of lime nitrogen on growth, N_2 fixation activity, seed yield and quality of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) plants(Plant Nutrition)
- 排水不良転換畑における畝立栽培およびシグモイド型被覆尿素肥料施用によるダイズの窒素集積量増加とちりめんじわ粒発生率軽減効果
- Depression of methane production potential in paddy soils by subsurface drainage systems(Environment)
- Effectiveness of a subsurface drainage system in poorly drained paddy fields on reduction of methane emissions(Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agroecosystems in Monsoon Asia)
- Effect of Different Dietary Energy Levels in Early and Middle Fattening Periods on Fattening Performance of Holstein Steers
- Effect of Different Dietary Energy Levels in Early and Middle Fattening Periods on Fattening Performance of Holstein Steers
- Berth allocation in a container port : using a continuous location space approach
- Corrigendum to “The dynamic berth allocation problem for a container port” [Transportation Research Part B 35 (2001) 401-417]
- Berth allocation with service priority
- The Berth Allocation Problem with Service Time and Delay Time Objectives
- The simultaneous berth and quay crane allocation problem
- The economic viability of container mega-ships
- Berthing ships at a multi-user container terminal with a limited quay capacity
- Yard trailer routing at a maritime container terminal
- Berth allocation at indented berths for mega-containerships
- Lesion-based analysis of leaf blast suppression in mixture of rice cultivar and a resistant near-isogenic line