National Research Institute for Metals (NRIM) | 論文
- Magnetic Properties of Geometrically Frustrated System RPdAl (R = Ce and Pr)
- de Haas-van Alphen Effect Study of CeRh_2Si_2
- 24aRB-8 Pressuree Effects to the Electronic Structure of a SWCNT bundle (II)
- 20aRJ-10 Pressure Effects to the Electronic Structure of the SWCNT bundle
- Pressure-induced Magnetic Transition in the Van Vleck Paramagnet PrCu_2 (Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Pressure Induced Metal-Insulator Transition of Selenospinel CuIr_2Se_4
- Ferromagnetism in ErTi_2Ga_4
- Creep Deformation and the Corresponding Microstructural Evolution in High-Cr Ferritic Steels
- Creep Deformation and the Corresponding Microstructural Evolution in High-Cr Ferritic Steels
- Creep properties affected by morphology of MX in high-Cr ferritic steels
- Creep Properties affected by Morphology of MX in High-Cr Ferritic Steels
- Effect of Ordering on Hydrogen Embrittlement of Ni-Cr Alloy
- SB-08-1(081) Improvement of Creep Strength of Ferritic Steels for 650℃ USC Boilers(Advanced Heat Resistant Steels)