National Institute Of Information And Communication Technology | 論文
- A scalable heuristic scheduling technique for STDMA-based millimeter-wave WPAN system with directional antennas (無線通信システム)
- Evaluation of Information Leakage from PC Displays Using Spectrum Analyzers(Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC))
- Intersystem coexistence and cooperation mechanism for IEEE802.15.3c millimeter-wave WPAN (無線通信システム)
- Achieving Gbps throughput for millimeter-wave WPAN with an anti-blocking scheme using deflection routing (無線通信システム)
- An Interference Model for Millimeter-wave WPAN with Directional Antennas
- BP-3-6 Intersystem Coexistence and Cooperation for IEEE 802.15.3c Millimeter-wave WPAN
- Distributed piconet controlling for WPANs (無線通信システム)
- Millimeter wave (60GHz) wireless PAN standardization activities (無線通信システム)
- A throughput enhancement scheme for a millimeter-wave Gbps WPAN cross layer design (無線通信システム)
- Effect of Beacon Design to WPAN Throughput
- On the performance of power allocation over downlink MIMO-OFDMA systems : theoretical analysis over multiple scenarios
- ―オータムスクールASCONE06脳科学への数理的アプローチ― : 川人光男ASCONE2006特別講義 小脳の学習理論, LTDのシステムバイオロジーモデル, そして操作脳科学へ
- Cross Layer Design of a Wireless Communication System in TV White Space
- Amplitude vs Phase Regeneration for BPSK Modulation Format
- Beamforming Based Coexistence Algorithm for Coupled Heterogeneous Networks on TVWS
- A Coexistence Algorithm for Tightly Coupled WLAN and WRAN on TVWS bands
- B-21-42 LHA-AODV with Optimized Local Update(B-21. アドホックネットワーク, 通信2)
- Delay-Based Priority Control over Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks(Network)
- A Reservation-Based Enhancement of IEEE802.11 DCF Protocol(Network)
- B-21-6 Distributed Channel Assignment in the Wireless Mesh Networks(B-21. アドホックネットワーク, 通信2)