National Inst. Of Agrobiological Sciences | 論文
- Formulation of highly volatile pheromone of the white grub beetle Dasylepida ishigakiensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) to develop monitoring traps
- Characterization of soybean genome based on synteny analysis with Lotus japonicus
- Conversion of AFLP Markers Surrounding a QTL, rhg-tl, for Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance into PCR-based Markers
- QTL Analysis of Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode Race 3 in Soybean Cultivar Toyomusume
- ダイズゲノムに存在する単純反復配列
- Cotyledonary node pre-wounding with a micro-brush increased frequency of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in soybean
- Details of the digestive system in the midgut of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki
- Heterologous expression and enzymatic characterization of β-glucosidase from the drywood-eating termite, Neotermes koshunensis
- ダイズにおけるPCRベースのDNAマーカー開発へ向けたPCR-RF-SSCP法の適用
- 日本稲における雄性不稔細胞質及び正常細胞質由来のミトコンドリアDNAの差異
- DIGESTIVE SYSTEMS OF HOLOCELLULOSE IN TERMITES(Biochemistry,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Avidin Expressed in Transgenic Rice Confers Resistance to the Stored-Product Insect Pests Tribolium confusum and Sitotroga cerealella
- Brassica rapa ゲノムに豊富に存在するマイクロサテライトの単離
- Identification and characterication of loss-of-function mutations in the rice homeobox gene, OSH15.
- Cloning and Characterization of cDNAs for the Jasmonic Acid-responsive Genes RRJ1 and RRJ2 in Suspension-cultured Rice Cells(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Cellulose Digestion in the Wood-Eating Higher Termite, Nasutitermes takasagoensis (Shiraki) : Distribution of Cellulases and Properties of Endo-β-1, 4-glucanase
- Analysis of Transgenic Rice Containing Barley Nicotianamine Synthase Gene
- Brassica rapa の抽苔性に関する QTL 解析
- Brassica rapaの倍加半数体系統を用いたAFLP連鎖地図の構築