Nagoya University of Commerce and Business | 論文
- The Prepositions Verbs Associate with : A Corpus Investigation of Collocation in Prepositional Verbs
- A Morphological Account of Japanese Western Loan Word Truncation
- Task Criteria and Activity Differentiation in EFL Coursebooks
- Bridging the gap : Preparing instructional designrts for the realities of the workplace
- ナショナリティの狭間で:タイの山地民の法的地位 ( 観光を通じた社会的弱者の自立は可能か)
- AHP (階層分析法) における一対比較インターフェースに関する研究
- Evaluating A New Call System
- Price Formation in a Competitive Market When the Payoff of an Asset Depends on the Market Price
- イラク占領下における英国部隊と文民の人権保護〜欧州人権裁判所Al-Skeini事件判決の検討
- Global Talent Cultivation: Educational Mission in Globalization
- Instructor Knowledge of Student Socialization, Classroom Culture and Social Mechanisms
- The United Nations Institutions : A Critical Analysis of Their Ability to Promote and Prorect International Human Rights
- International Trends and Lessons in School Leadership : A Meta-Analysis of Research on Teaching Principals
- Supporting CALL Use