NTT Communication Science Laboratories | 論文
- 言語過程説に基づく日本語品詞の体系化とその効用
- High-Level Synthesis Design at NTT Systems Labs (Special Issue on Synthesis and Verification of Hardware Design)
- An Architecture of a Specification Design Expert System
- A Fully Abstract Denotational Model for Communicating Processes with Label-Passing
- High-Speed Similitude Retrieval for a Viewpoint-Based Similarity Discrimination System
- 分散システムにおける全域状態監視アルゴリズム
- A Method of Ordering English Adverbs : as exemplified in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation
- Enhanced Resonance by Coupling and Summing in Sinusoidally Driven Chaotic Neural Networks
- On a Blind Speech Dereverberation Algorithm Using Multi-Channel Linear Prediction(Engineering Acoustics)
- Speech dereverberation algorithm using transfer function estimates with overestimated order
- Blind dereverberation algorithm for speech signals based on multi-channel linear prediction
- Still Tagging an Aligned Japanese/English Corpus
- 口唇動作と音声の共起に着目した被写体と話者の不一致検出〜ニュース映像への適用と評価〜
- A desing of a hands-free communication unit using loudspeakers and microphones with a flat directional pattern
- Common Acoustical Pole Estimation from Multi-Channel Musical Audio Signals(Engineering Acoustics)
- A System for Simulating and Displaying Magic Game in Cat's Cradle and a Characterization Method of Its String State
- Similar Music Retrieval Using Polyphonic Binary Feature Vectors and Its Acceleration
- Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security
- Multistage SIMO-Model-Based Blind Source Separation Combining Frequency-Domain ICA and Time-Domain ICA(Adaptive Signal Processing and Its Applications)
- A General Framework to Use Various Decomposition Methods for LUT Network Synthesis