NIRS | 論文
- Rapid Decrease in the Expression of a Nuclear Protein NP95 Associated with Radiation-induced Apoptosis inMurine Thymic Lymphoma 3SB Cells.
- Involvement of Caspases in the Radiation-induced Apoptosis of Radiosensitive Murine Thymoma 3SB Cells
- Implication of Protein Kinase C Activation in the Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in Radiosensitive Murine Thymoma Cell 3SB
- Mechanisms for Radiation-induced Apoptosis in a Radiosensitive Murine Thymoma Cell Line 3SB
- Rescue of Lethally Irradiated Mice from Hematopoietic Death by Pre-expousure to 0.5 Gy X-rays withoutRecovery from Peripheral Blood Cell Depletion
- Radioadaptation in Embryogenesis Is Related to p53 Gene Status
- Long Term Effects Observed in Mice Rescued by 0.5 Gy Pre-exposure from Lethal Irradiation
- Radioadaptation in Embryogenesis during Late Period of Organogenesis and Postnatal Retardation in the Prenatally Primed Mice
- OK432-lnduced Modification of Radioadaptive Response in Mice
- Cell cycle and LET dependence for 6-thioguanine-resistant mutation induced by heavy ion beam in mouse L5178Y cells
- Modification of Acquired Radio-Resistance in Mice by OK432
- OK432 Modification of Radio-Adaptive Response
- Induction of Radioresistance in Mice by Low Dose Pre-irradiation of X-Rays
- HIMAC Carbon-12 Induced Apoptosis in Murine Leukemia Cells, L5178Y and L5178YS
- Acquired Radioresistance in Hematopoiesis in C57BL Mice
- Analysis or Radioresistant Variants Derived from 3SB Cell
- Accurate determination of uranium isotope ratios in soil samples affected due to Chernobyl accident usingthermal ionisation mass spectrometry
- Irradiation System for HIMAC
- Health Effects Study of Nuclear Industry Workers in Japan : Results of the Second Analysis
- Second Phase Investigation of the Epidemiological Study on Nuclear Industry Workers in Japan