Mitsubishi Kasei Institute of Life Sciences | 論文
- 1 Agelas属海綿由来の新規アルカロイドagesamide類およびnagelamide類の構造(口頭発表の部)
- 創薬リードとしての分子標的天然薬物の探索
- Tachycitin, a Small Granular Vomponent in Horseshoe Crab Hemocytes, Is an Antimicrobial Protein with Chitin-Binding Activity
- Tachycitin and Tachystatin, Novel Antimicrobial Peptides Isolated from Horseshoe Crab Hemocytes
- A Novel Big Defensin Identified in Horesehoe Crab Hemocytes: Isolation, Amino Acid Sequence, and Antibacterial Activity^1
- Recognition Mechanism of Calcium Channel Subtypes by ω-Conotoxins
- Structure Determination of an Immunopotentiator Peptide, Cinnamycin, Complexed with Lysophosphatidylethanolamine by H-NMR^1
- Distribution of amino acid and its stereochemistry related with biological activities in Rikubetsu, Hokkaido, Japan
- FAB CID-MS/MS of In-Source Fragment Ions as a Means to Differentiate Linkage Isomers of Branched Oligosaccharides : Le^a and Le^x Type Glycoconjugates
- A New Approach to the Characterization of Sulfated and Sialyl Lewis-Type Glycosphingolipids Using Positive-Ion FABMS, ESIMS, and CID-MS/MS
- Fast Atom Bombardment and Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Sulfated Lewis_X Trisaccharides
- Xestosaprol C, a new pentacyclic hydroquinone sulfate from a marine sponge Xestospongia sapra
- P-39 ゲノム・メタボローム解析を活用したマクロリド産生渦鞭毛藻の探索と新規抗腫瘍性マクロリドIriomoteolide類の構造(ポスター発表の部)
- Restricted Expression of a Member of the Transcription Elongation Factor S-II Family in Testicular Germ Cells during and after Meiosis^1
- Malycorins A-C, New Lycopodium Alkaloids from Lycopodium phlegmaria
- Purification and Characterization of an Endo-Polygalacturonase from a Mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Isolation and Genetic Determination of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mutant That Produces an Endo-Polygalacturonase
- Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Polygalacturonase Gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Development of RiboMap^ System for Automated mRNA In Situ Hybridization Applications Using Ventana Discovery^ Slide-Processing System(THE SIXTH JAPAN-CHINA JOINT SEMINAR ON HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CYTOCHEMISTRY)