Laboratory of Entomology, Tokyo University of Agriculture | 論文
- A Taxonomic Study of the Trioza maculata Group, the Jumping Plant-lice Feeding on the Plants of Elaeocarpus (Homoptera : Psylloidea, Triozidae)
- Fine Structure of the Compound Eye of the Asiatic Garden Beetle Maladera castanea ARROW : Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae
- Tuberaphis leeuweni (Homoptera), a Tropical, Monoecious, Gall-forming Aphid with Soldier-like Nymphs
- 日本産 Tetrabothrus 属ハネカクシの再検討
- The Systematic Study on the Genus Trioza (Homoptera, Psylloidea) from Amamioshima Is. and Tokunoshima Is., Kagoshima Prefecture, S. Japan, with Descriptions of Three New Species
- A New Species of the Genus Trioza (Homoptera, Psylloidea) Feeding on Ternstroemia gymuanthera from Japan
- Host Alternation of Two Tropical Gall-forming Aphids, Astegopteryx styracophila and A. pallida (Homoptera)
- New Records of Two Water Striders (Heteroptera, Gerridae) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
- 中国四川省南部の石灰洞で見つかったホラアナヒラタゴミムシ属の1新種
- The Compound Eye of the Soybean Beetle, Anomala rufocuprea MOTSCHULSKY (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae)
- Compound eye ultrastructures in six species of ecologically diverse stag-beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea, Lucanidae)
- The Compound Eye of the Dung Beetle, Bolbocerosoma nigroplagiatum (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
- Bioassay of the Sex Pheromone of the Udo Longicorn Beetle, Acalolepta luxuriosa BATES (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae)
- タマキノコムシ科チビシデムシ亜科 Mesocatops ussuriensis の日本からの初記録
- 中国四川省で発見されたハネナガヒラタハネカクシ属の1新種
- Brachida 属ハネカクシの邦産種
- Dictyon 属の小笠原からの発見と1新種の記載
- 日本産 Tetrabothrus 属と北海道産1新種の記載
- 国立科学博物館所蔵のヒマラヤ産チビヒサゴゴミムシダマシ
- Pteromalid parasitoids (Hymenoptera) of Oulema oryzae (Kuwayama) (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) from Japan, with notes on Pteromalus bifoveolatus