Laboratory Of Soil Science Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University | 論文
- Hydrological process controls on nitrogen export during storm events in an agricultural watershed
- Nitrogen budget and relationships with riverine nitrogen exports of a dairy cattle farming catchment in eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Assessment of river water quality during snowmelt and base flow periods in two catchment areas with different land use
- 23-14 Comparative assessment of river water quality between snowmelt and base flow events in two catchments of differed land use system in eastern Hokkaido
- 1-27 Evaluating stream water quality through land use analysis and nitrogen budget approaches in dairy cattle farming areas, eastern Hokkaido
- N_2O and CH_4 fluxes from a volcanic grassland soil in Nasu, Japan : Comparison between manure plus fertilizer plot and fertilizer-only plot(Environment)
- Characteristics and issues related to regional-scale modeling of nitrogen flows
- 1-13 hydrological process controls on nitrogen export during storm events in a daily farming area of eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Comparison of N2O and CO2 concentrations and fluxes in the soil profile between a Gray Lowland soil and an Andosol
- Effect of crop residue C:N ratio on N_2O emissions from Gray Lowland soil in Mikasa, Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- Estimation of global warming potential from upland cropping systems in central Hokkaido(Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy)
- Methane emissions from five paddy fields with different amounts of rice straw application in central Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- Assessing the impact of phosphorus cycling on river water P concentration in Hokkaido
- Evaluating river water quality through land use analysis and N budget approaches in livestock farming areas
- Evaluation of the Impact of Paddy Fields on Stream Water Nitrogen Concentration in Central Hokkaido(Environment)
- Magnitude of Nitrogen Pollution in Stream Water due to Intensive Livestock Farming Practices
- 36 Hydrological controls on temporal patterns of N sensitivity to climate in three adjacent watersheds
- 1-18 The impact of land use and climate on Nitrogen export and water quality
- 1-16 窒素収支、流域諸要因および気象が流域窒素流出量に及ぼす影響 : 6年間の5小流域モニタリング結果による解析(1.物質循環・動態,2010年度北海道大会)
- Characteristics of Nutrient Load in a Stream Flowing through a Livestock Farm during Spring Snowmelt (Environment)