Kwangwoon Univ. Seoul Kor | 論文
- Enhancement of the Ferromagnetic Transition Temperature in Self-Assembled (Ga_Mn_x)As Quantum Wires
- Dependence of the Surface, the Structural, and the Optical Properties on the Thickness of the AIN Buffer Layer for GaN Epilayers Grown on Sapphire Substrates : Semiconductors
- Two-Position Alignment of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System
- Millimeter Wave Compact Branch Line Coupler Using Metal-Air-Metal Capacitors
- Influence of Narrow Transverse Slit in Ferroelectric Based Voltage Tunable Phase Shifter
- A Micromachined Millimeter-Wave Cavity Resonator on Silicon and Quartz Substrates : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Spatial Frequency Filtering Characteristics of Three-Phase and Two-Phase Two-Dimensional Gratings
- Monte-Carlo-Based Automatic Design of Chromeless Phase Shift Mask
- Grating Optical Low-Pass Filter With Near Perfect Stop Band Characteristics : Optics and Quantum Electionics
- A New Micromachined Bandpass Filter on a Quartz Substrate
- Crystallization Kinetics and Morphology in Miscible Blends of Two Crystalline Polymers
- Miscibility and Crystallization Behavior of Poly(butylene succinate) and Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Blends
- Search for Time-Correlated Fast Neutrons from DD Fusion at Room Temperature
- Application of a Ge Detector to Search for Fast Neutrons from DD Fusion in Deuterized Pd
- Ion chromatography detector based on solid-state ion-selective electrode array
- Multiuser Detection Based on Radial Basis Function for a Multicode DS/CDMA System(Special Section on Papers Selected from ITC-CSCC 2000)
- Control of Microscratches in Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Process for Shallow Trench Isolation
- Rapid Thermal Annealing Effects in CdTe (111) Thin Films Grown on GaAs (100) Substrates
- Biotin-Avidin Mediated Homogeneous Enzyme-Linked Binding Assays for Riboflavin and Riboflavin Binding Protein Using Alkaline Phosphatase as the Label
- Potentiometric pH Response of Polymer Membranes Incorporated with Ion-exchangers