Kunitachi College of Music | 論文
- The Effects of Trained Self-feedback on Revision
- Short stories and cooperative learning in L2 reading classrooms
- 時事英語の学習を通じて--CriticaI Thinking Skillsを育てる授業
- 時事英語の学習を通じて--Critical Thinking Skillsを育てる授業
- La royauté et la chefferie : un essai de comparaison au sein d'un royaume (Kuba, Zaïre)
- リーディング・モチベーションを高める英語の授業 : 短編小説と協同学習の活用(内容重視の言語教育授業)
- The Classroom Language of Japanese College English Teachers : Students' Views
- "KONNTE" ALS EINE MOGLICHE WELT ODER REALITAT(Linguisten-Seminar: Nomen und Verben in der deutschen Grammatik)
- Insight into L2 Reading Instruction from Concept Oriented Reading Instruction(CORI)(The Application of Contemporary Language Theories to Higher English Education: Focusing on the Importance of Content-based and Context-based Approaches)
- 時事英語の学習を通じてCritical Thinking Skillsを育てる授業