Kogakuin University | 論文
- 414 アンモニア分解装置搭載・燃料電池電気自動車の研究(熱工学V,計測制御・機械力学,流体工学,熱工学,環境工学)
- Radiative Corrections to e^+e^- Reactions in Electroweak Theory
- Effect of Welding Speed on Oxygen and Nitrogen Contents in SAW Metals
- Evaluation of Biocompatibility for Titanium-Nickel Shape Memory Alloy in Vivo and in Vitro Environments
- On the Mechanism of Pit Formation in the Corrosion Fatigue Crack Initiation Process of a Ferritic Stainless Steel
- ICONE11-36610 Study on Boiling Heat Transfer in Mist Cooling
- Review And Suggestion on Modeling of Power Distribution Instrument for Estimation of Lightning Fault Ratio
- Application of a Metal Switch to Aqualysin I, a Subtilisin-type Bacterial Serine Protease, to the S3 Site Residues, Ser102 and Gly131
- BS-4-42 Proposed Hot Swap System Wireless Interface and Its Implementation(BS-4. Network Design, Management and Control for Future Networked Systems)
- BS-4-15 A New Multicast Routing Algorithm for MANET and Its Evaluation(BS-4. Network Design, Management and Control for Future Networked Systems)
- Migration of KETpic to Scilab and Comparison of Scilab with other CASs
- Study of microgird with generator and inverter power sources
- Study on Application of Fixed Speed Synchronous Generator in Wind Farm
- An Advanced Fault Current Limiter of Rectifier Type in Distribution Network
- Measurement of Quenching Distance by a Burner
- Special Section on Acoustic Signal Processing
- Tensile Strength of Carbon/Carbon Composites
- 234 Tensile strength of Carbon/Carbon Composites
- SC-7-1 マイクロマグネティクスモデルによる垂直磁気記録用SPTヘッドの磁化分布計算(SC-7.垂直磁気記録HDDのための要素技術と最近の動向)
- Three-Dimensional Shape Measurement Method for Micro Droplet Utilizing Micro LIF Technique