Kobe University of Mercantile Marine | 論文
- 可変ピッチプロペラ翼応力の簡易推定法
- The Experiment and Numerical Calculation of Propeller Performance with Surface Roughness Effects
- Estimation of Oil Spill in Turkish Strait (可視化情報学会全国講演会(宇都宮2003)講演論文集)
- Measurements of Atmospheric Concentration of NO_x and SO_2 in the Sea Areas of Osaka Bay and Seto-Inlands Sea
- バイオ燃料のディーゼルエンジンにおける有効利用(輸送の三原則)
- Path Independent Integrals in Nonlinear Dynamic Fracture Mechanics : Series A : Solid-Mechanics Strength of Materials
- Oxidation of Long Alkyl-substituted Sexithiophene with Fecl_3
- Abnormal Sound Detection by Neural Network in the Diesel Engine
- Thermal Stress Concentrations in the Transient Two-Dimensional Temperature Field : Plate with a Semi-circular Notch
- On the Strength of Toroidal Shells : 2nd Report, Examples of Application of the Solutions
- 10. Full-scale Measurement of Frequency Response Characteristics of Ships in Steering : -Parallel Shift Maneuver Test as Applied to Actual Ships
- 水面を貫通して上下に運動する水平二次元柱に働く負荷変動
- Optimum Replacement and Maintenance Scheduling Process for Marine Machinery in Wear-Out Phase : A Case Study on Main Engine Cooling Pumps
- Downstream Development of the Wakes behind Cylinders
- Experimental Investigation of the Wake behind a Sphere at Low Reynolds Numbers
- Quasi Steady State Simulation of Diesel Engine Transient Performance and Design of Mechatronic Governor
- 156 複合材界面動的伝播き裂に対する混合モード動的応力拡大係数評価法の開発(OS04-2 界面と接着・接合の力学(2))(OS04 界面と接着・接合の力学)
- A Study on the Boiling Heat Transfer from Flat Surfaces under High Heat Flux : 2nd Report, Nucleate Boiling from Vertical Surfaces and Upward Facing Horizontal Surfaces
- Remarks on Laplace equation in Ω\{x_0}
- Some Experimental Studies on Plane Stresses by Use of the Equivalent Orthotropic Plate