Kobe University of Mercantile Marine | 論文
- チャネル型二次電子倍増管の試作
- Measurements of the Surface Tension of Liquid Oxygen in High Magnetic Fields
- The Superheat-Limit of Liquid Oxygen and Nitrogen at 1 atm
- Mechanism of the Inception of Hydraulic Cavitation
- Ultrasonic Study of Critical Mixing of n-Heptane and Nitrobenzene
- Simple Multipurpose Cryostat for Experiments Using High Magnetic Field
- Universal Plot of the Ratio of Sound Dispersion to Attenuation for Critical Fluids
- Nucleation in Superheated ^3He : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : Liquid ^4He and ^3He-^4He
- Turbulence Dependence of Vaporous Cavitation in Oxygen Jet
- An Empirical Law of the Critical Superheating of Liquids
- Stress Concentration at the Root of a Screw Thread : Effects of Root Radius and Friction Coefficient : Series A : Solid-Mechanics, Strength of Materials
- Ratio of Flank Loads of Screw Threads in Hollow-bolt
- Stresses in Bolt and Nut : Effects of Contact Conditions at the First Ridge
- A Stress Analysis of Threaded Portions in Fastening
- A Study on the Operation and the Control of a Poly-phase d.c. Commutatorless Motor
- Theoretical Analysis of Shape Transformations of Liposomes Caused by Microtubule Assembly
- Mechanical Properties of Threaded Regions in an Eyebolt and an Eyenut
- Mechanical Behaviors of Bolted Joint during Tightening Using Torque Control
- Thermal Stress Concentrations in the Transient Two-dimensional Temperature Field : 2nd Report, Plate with a Semi-elliptic Notch