Kinki Univ. Wakayama Jpn | 論文
- Triacylglycerol and Phospholipid Contents in Developing Japanese Flounder Eggs
- Changes in Chemical Contents and Enzyme Activities during Embryonic Development of Bluefin Tuna
- Biochemical Phases in Embryonic Red Sea Bream Development
- Chemical Composition,RNA and DNA Contents,and Alkaline Phosphatase Activity with Growth of Striped Jack Larvae through Juveniles
- 養成クロマグロの成熟と産卵
- Isolation and Biological Activities of N^-Desmethyl Analogus of Tumor Promoter Teleocidin from Streptoverticillium blastmyceticum(Organic Chemistry)
- Structure and Tumor-promoting Activity of New Teleocidin-related Metabolites (Blastmycetins) from Streptoverticillium blastmyceticum(Organic Chemistry)
- New Teleocidin-related Metabolites from Streptoverticillium blastmyceticum Producing Tumor-promoting Indole Alkaloids(Organic Chemistry)
- Substitution Reaction on the Indole Ring of (-)-Indolactam V, the Fundamental Structure of Teleocidins
- Accumulation of Ascorbic Acid in the Cotyledons of Morning Glory (Pharbitis nil) Seedlings during the Induction of Flowering by Low-Temperature Treatment and the Effect of Prior Exposure to High-Intensity Light : GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT : ENVIRONMENTAL AND
- Increase in the Activity of Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase during the Non-Photoperiodic Induction of Flowering in Seedlings of Morning Glory(Pharbitis nil) : GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT : ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS RESPONSES
- Correlation between Level of Phenylpropanoids in Cotyledons and Flowering in Pharbitis Seedlings under High-Fiuence Illumination : GROWTH AND DEVELTOPMENT : ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS RESPONSES
- Accumulation of Phenylpropanoids in Cotyledons of Morning Glory (Pharbitis nil) Seedlings during the Induction of Flowering by Poor Nutrition
- 養成クロマグロの生殖腺発達
- Absolute Configuration of Dehydrodiconiferyl Alcohol
- Accumulation of Phenylpropanoids in the Cotyledons of Morning Glory(Pharbitis nil) Seedlings during the Induction of Flowering by Low Temperature Treatment, and the Effect of Precedent Exposure to High-Intensity Light : GROWTH AND DEVELTOPMENT : ENVIRONME
- Rotifers Fed with n-3 Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acid-enriched Chlorella vulgaris are Suitable for the Rearing of Larval Red Sea Bream Pagrus major
- ウナギサブチーム ウナギ親魚および卵の効率的な確保を目指して--若齢魚からの採卵と卵脂肪酸に及ぼす親魚飼料の影響 (特別号:独立行政法人水産総合研究センター交付金プロジェクト 生態系保全型増養殖システム確立のための種苗生産・放流技術の開発--第1期成果) -- (生育・成熟等の生化学・分子生物学的解明に基づく種苗生産技術の高度化)
- Flower-Inducing Activity of Water Extract of Lemna
- PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIP OF CORBICULA CLAMS IN ASIA(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)