Kanazawa Institute of Technology | 論文
- Finite Element Analysis Using Interface Element for Predicting Deformation during Butt Welding Considering Root Gap and Tack Welds(Mechanics, Strength & Structure Design)
- Strength Analysis of Joints between Dissimilar Materials Using Interface Elements(Mechanics, Strength & Structure Design)
- Complex associations between sensation seeking style and visual attention system (ヒューマン情報処理)
- Complex associations between sensation seeking style and visual attention system (ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎)
- Complex associations between sensation seeking style and visual attention system (福祉情報工学)
- A Study on Correcting Techniques for Recovering the Accuracy of a Deteriorated Lapping Plate using a Correcting Carrier : Corrective Characteristics owing to Lapping Pressure Influence
- Reduction of Kinetic Friction by Harmonic Vibration
- Change in the characteristics of amorphous As_2S_3 induced by injected acoustic domains : Physical Acoustics
- Finite Element Method for Hot Cracking Using Temperature Dependent Interface Element (Report II) : Mechanical Study of Houldcroft Test(Mechanics, Strength & Structure Design)
- 機能構造用セラミックスの開発--摺動部材への応用開発 (新素材)
- 445 オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼の応力誘起マルテンサイト変態に及ぼす積層欠陥エネルギーの影響(ステンレス鋼, 性質, 日本鉄鋼協会 第 97 回(春季)講演大会)
- W-07 International Design Course with Institutions from Three Countries : First Year Review(International Session-I)
- W-01 Development of an International Design Course with Institutions from Three Countries(International Session-I)
- W-01 International Collaboration in an Engineering Design Course(International Session-I)
- 炭化チタン-グラファイト系複合材料の製造と特性 : 第1報,炭化チタン及び微量グラファイト添加炭化チタンの機械的特性と微細構造
- 301 WC-Al_2O_3系複合材料の機械的諸特性(セラミック複合材料)
- Study on Predicting Lightning Damage to Utility Power Supply Systems Using Cloud-to-Ground Lightning information from the Internet
- Dynamical Contraction of Infinite Plane-Symmetric Gas Clouds
- Complex associations between sensation seeking style and visual attention system (第54回ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会 コミュニケーション支援、共生コミュニケーションおよび一般)