Kanagawa Univ. Yokohama Jpn | 論文
- High energy electron observation by Polar Patrol Balloon flight in Antarctica
- CALET measurements of cosmic ray electrons in the heliosphere (Proceedings of the international workshop on advances in cosmic ray science)
- Polar Patrol Balloon experiment in Antarctica during 2002-2003
- Measurement of high-energy cosmic-ray electrons with a Polar Patrol Balloon
- Study of Multiple Meson Production at Cosmic Ray Energy. III : Transverse Behaviour of Gamma-Ray Air Family
- Study of Multiple Meson Production at Cosmic Ray Energy. II : Analytical Derivation of Lateral Structure Function of Gamma-Ray Air Family
- Study of Multiple Meson Production at Cosmic Ray Energy. I : Longitudinal Behaviour of Gamma-Ray Air Family
- Monte Carlo Simulation on Propagation of Cosmic-Rays in the Atmosphere
- CHACALTAYA Emulsion Chamber Experiment
- X-Ray Mask Pattern Accuracy Improvement by Superimposing Multiple Exposures Using Different Field Sizes
- 石英ガラスにおける形状回復効果
- バイセラミックスガラスの形状記憶効果
- 超音波・振動接合 : 3. 2 高分子材料の超音波接合方法, 接合特性および接合の周波数特性
- 強力超音波応用の研究について : 高周波数および複合振動を用いた強力超音波応用(強力超音波)
- High-T_c Superconductor Ba_Y_CuO_x : Upper Critical Field and Phases
- High-T_c Superconductor Ba_Y_Cu_1O_x
- Acid Fog Removes Calcium and Boron from Fir Tree : One of the Possible Causes of Forest Decline
- 超音波複合振動溶接の溶接条件と溶接部組織について--複合振動溶接は必要振動速度が小で原子間結合で接合される (特集 超音波加工の最前線を探る)
- 1P4-9 ボルト締めランジュバン型振動子を用いた超音波リニアモータの構成(ポスターセッション)
- 連続点溶接が可能な超音波複合振動溶接装置LT-2000--複合振動により多数の連続点溶接およびシーム溶接が可能 (特集 超音波加工機の特徴と今後の展開)