Jfe Steel Corporation | 論文
- Effect of Nb on the Proof Strength of Ferritic Stainless Steels at Elevated Temperatures
- Development of Brittle Crack Arrest Toughness K_ Test Method : Brittle Crack Arrest Design for Large Container Ships-2
- High Nitrogen Stainless Steel as a Preferred Substratum for Bacteria and Other Microfouling Organisms
- Required Brittle Crack Arrest Toughness K_ Value with Actual Scale Model Tests : Brittle Crack Arrest Design for Large Container Ships-4
- 422 Study on Friction Spot Joining of High Strength Steel Sheet(4th JWS-KWJS Young Reseacher Symposlum)
- Development of Guidelines on Brittle Crack Arrest Design : Brittle Crack Arrest Design for Large Container Ships-1
- Estimating the Effects of Microscopic Stress Concentrations on the Fatigue Endurance of Thin-walled High Strength Steel
- Technological Changes and Future Needs of Steel Making Refractories in Japan
- Behavior of a Droplet Impacting on a Horizontal Plate
- Numerical Simulation on Penetration Stage of a Rising Bubble through an Oil/Water Interface
- Improvement of Lining Repairs for BOF Converters
- Numerical Observation of Flow Field around the Water Column behind a Rising Bubble through an Oil/Water Interface
- Effects of the Seaweed Bed Construction Using the Mixture of Steelmaking Slag and Dredged Soil on the Growth of Seaweeds
- Iron Loss Deterioration by Shearing Process in Non-Oriented Electrical Steel with Different Thicknesses and Its Influence on Estimation of Motor Iron Loss
- Decrease of Sulfide in Enclosed Coastal Sea by Using Steelmaking Slag
- Experimental Study on Brittle Crack Propagation Behavior with Large Scale Structural Component Model Tests : Brittle Crack Arrest Design for Large Container Ships-5
- Thickness Effect on the Brittle Crack Arrest Toughness Value (K_) : Brittle Crack Arrest Design for Large Container Ships-6