Japan Space Forum | 論文
- The first life science experiments in ISS: reports of "Rad Gene": space radiation effects on human cultured cells (Special issue: Biological effects of space radiation (part 2))
- LOH Analyses for Biological Effects of Space Radiation : Human Cell Culture in "Kibo" of International Space Station
- The First Life Science Experiments in ISS : Reports of "Rad Gene"-Space Radiation Effects on Human Cultured Cells-
- Response of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in regenerating scales to gravity loading
- "Myo Lab" : A JAXA Cell Biology Experiment in "Kibo (JEM)" of the International Space Station
- C. elegans RNAi space experiment (CERISE) in Japanese Experiment Module KIBO
- Bio-Assessment of RISK in Long-Term Manned Space Exploration : Cell Death Factors in Space Radiation and/or Microgravity : A Review
- Effect of Gravity Change on the Production of Thrombopoietic Growth Factors
- Mutation Induction in Cultured Human Cells after Low-dose and Low-dose-rate γ-ray Irradiation : Detection by LOH Analysis
- Induction of LOH events by Low-dose or Low-dose Rate Radiation Exposure
- Morphogenesis in cucumber seedlings is negatively controlled by gravity
- Inhibition of root elongation in microgravity by an applied electric field
- Morphagensis of Rice and Arabidopsis Seedlings in Space
- Growth and Development, and Auxin Polar Transport in Higher Plants under Microgravity Conditions in Space: BRIC-AUX on STS-95 Space Experiment
- Growth Regulation Mechanisms in Higher Plants under Microgravity Conditions - Changes in Cell Wall Metabolism
- Gravimorphogenesis of Cucurbitaceae plants: Development of peg cells and graviperception mechanism in cucumber seedlings
- Inhibition of root elongation in microgravity by an applied electric field
- STS-95 space experiment for plant growth and development, and auxin polar transport
- Inhibition of Root Elongation in Microgravity an Applied Electric Field
- Growth and Development, and Auxin Polar Transport in Higher Plants under Microgravity Conditions in Space:BRIC-AUX on STS-95 Space Experiment