Japan Atomic Energy Res. Inst. Ibaraki‐ken | 論文
- Identification of Radial Position of Fission Gas Release in High-Burnup Fuel Pellets under RIA Conditions
- Measurement of the Effective Neutron Capture Cross Section of Cesium-134 by Triple Neutron Capture Reaction Method
- Measurement of Fission Product Yields from Neutron-Induced Fission of Americium-241
- Radiochemical Determination of Neutron Capture Cross Sections of ^Am
- Measurement of Thermal Neutron Cross Section and Resonance Integral of the Reaction ^Cs (n, γ) ^Cs
- Effects of Fuel Oxidation and Dissolution on Volatile Fission Product Release under Severe Accident Conditions
- Releases of Cesium and Poorly Volatile Elements from UO_2 and MOX Fuels under Severe Accident Conditions
- Three Year Experimental Study on Leaching Behavior from Low Level Radioactive Plastic-Based Waste
- Failure Thresholds of High Burnup BWR Fuel Rods under RIA Conditions
- Behavior of Irradiated ATR/MOX Fuel under Reactivity Initiated Accident Conditions
- Fission Gas Induced Cladding Deformation of LWR Fuel Rods under Reactivity Initiated Accident Conditions
- Correlation between Cumulative Leaching Ratio and pH of Leachate from Cementation and Plastic Solidified Radwaste Form.
- Development of Leak Detection System Using High Temperature-Resistant Microphones
- Chemical and Isotopic Characteristics of a Neptunium Sample for Nuclear Data Measurements
- Colloidal Migration Behavior of Radionuclides Sorbed on Mobile Fine Soil Particles through a Sand Layer
- Effects by Sea Wave on Thermal Hydraulics of Marine Reactor System
- Irradiated Fuel Behavior under Power Oscillation Conditions