Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Environmental Sciences | 論文
- Postmortem Changes of ATP and Its Related Compounds in Oyster Tissues in the Presence of Antibiotic Chloramphenicol
- ^P NMR Study of Bioenergetic Changes in Carp Muscle with Cold-Co_2 Anesthesia and Non-Destructive Evaluation of Freshness
- A transgene and its expression profile are stably transmitted to offspring in transgenic medaka generated by the particle gun method
- Transgenic Medaka Overexpressing a Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Exhibit Lightened Body Color but No Remarkable Abnormality
- Survival of Rice Non-embryogenic Callus Cells after Cryopreservation in Liquid Nitrogen by Vitrification
- Purification and Characterization of Prophenoloxidase from Kuruma Prawn Penaeus japonicus
- Sequence and Expression of a cDNA Encoding the Red Seabream Estrogen Receptor
- Distribution of L-Gulono-1, 4-Lactone Oxidase among Fishes
- Ploidy mosaicism in well-developed nuclear transplants produced by transfer of adult somatic cell nuclei to nonenucleated eggs of medaka (Oryzias latipes)
- FERTILE AND DIPLOID MEDAKA GENERATED FROM BLASTULA AND 4-SOMITE-STAGE EMBRYONIC CELLS BY NUCLEAR TRANSPLANTATION TO NON-ENUCLEATED OOCYTES(Developmental Biology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- CHROMOSOMAL STATUS OF EMBRYOS GENERATED BY TRANSPLANTATION OF CULTURED CELL NUCLEI FROM THE CAUDAL FIN TO NONENUCLEATED OOCYTES OF MEDAKA(Developmental Biology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Development and gene expression of nuclear transplants generated by transplantation of cultured cell nuclei into non-enucleated eggs in the medaka Oryzias latipes^+
- Acceptability comparison of kamaboko gels derived from silver carp surimi and from walleye pollack surimi between the Chinese and Japanese
- Role of taurine in hyperosmotic stress response of fish cells (Proceedings of International Commemorative Symposium 70th Anniversary of The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science)
- Activity of the medaka translation elongation factor 1α-A promoter examined using the GFP gene as a reporter
- Transplantation of blastula nuclei to non-enucleated eggs in the medaka, Oryzias latipes
- Roles of Inorganic Nitrogen in Gametophytic Growth and in Initiation and Development of Sporophytic Shoots of Equisetum arvense : GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT
- Naturally Occurring Heat-stable Inhibitors for Cathepsin L-like Protease from Pacific Hake Muscle Infected by Myxosporidian Parasites
- Electron Cytochemical Study on the Damages of Rat Liver by Paraquat