Instrument Division, Hitachi Ltd. | 論文
- Development of γ-Type Energy Filtering TEM
- A method for characterizing carbon nanotubes
- Electron Microscopic Observation of the Reduction Process of Indium Oxide to Indium Metal and on the Formation of a Palladium-Indium Intermetallic Compound in a Thermal Pretreatment Process in Graphite-Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- Observation of Vaporization in Palladium-Indium Intermetallic Compounds by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Shot Leveling and Focusing with Interferometry for Optical Lithography of Sub-Half-Micron LSI
- Development of a real-time jump-ratio imaging system equipped with a STEM