A method for characterizing carbon nanotubes
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published for the Japanese Society of Electron Microscopy by Oxford University Pressの論文
- 2001-08-01
Kasuya Atsuo
Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Tohoku University
TOHJI Kazuyuki
Department of Geoscience and Technology, Tohoku University
Kasuya Atsuo
Center For Interdisciplinary Research Tohoku University
Tohji Kazuyuki
Department Of Geoscience And Technology Tohoku University
Tohji Kazuyuki
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Gakushuin University
Kamino Takeo
Naka Application Center Hitachi High-technologies Corporation
Hitachi High Technologies Corp.
Hitachi High Technologies Corp.
SATO Takahiro
Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation
KATO Takeharu
Japan Fine Ceramics Center
Instrument Division, Hitachi Ltd.
Kamino T
Naka Application Center Hitachi High-technologies Corporation
Department of Geoscience and Technology, Tohoku University
Taniguchi Yoshifumi
Instrument Division Hitachi Ltd.
Motomiya Kenichi
Department Of Geoscience And Technology Tohoku University
Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
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