Institute for nuclear Study, University of Tokyo | 論文
- Low-Lying States of ^Zn Studied in the ^Zn(p,t)^Zn and ^Cu(p,2nγ)^Zn Reactions
- Stabilized Hollow Atoms (Ions) Produced with Multiply Charged Ions Passed through Microcapillaries
- New Self-Organized Growth Method for InGaAs Quantum Dots on GaAs(001) Using Droplet Epitaxy
- Ab Initio Study of Hydrogen Desorption from Diamond C(100) Surfaces
- A New Single-Layer Resist for 193-nm Lithography
- Study of Bi-level Resist System with Conductive Bottom Layer for EB Lithography
- A Novel Polymer for a 193-nm Resist
- Study of Oxygen-Deficient Centers in SiO_2 Films Using Photoluminescence Spectra
- Observation of Langmuir-Blodgett Films by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Measurement of Local Density of States by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy at Low Temperature : II. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : Charge Density Waves
- Effect of Atomic Force on the Surface Corrugation of 2H-NbSe_2 Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Preparation and Properties of a-SiGe:H:F Films by a Glow Discharge Decomposition
- Breaking of Separability Condition for Dynamical Collective Subspace : Onset of Quantum Chaos in Large-Amplitude Collective Motion : Nuclear Phusics
- Neutrino Mass and End-Point Energy of ^3H β-Decay
- A 160cm Synchro- and Variable Energy Ordinary Cyclotron
- Measurement of Beam Bunch Length in the 1.3-GeV Electron Synchrotron
- Spin and Isospin Projection in the Chiral Bag plus Skyrmion Hybrid Model
- Chemical Separation for 63Ni Measurement
- EMC Effect and Hadron Production off Nuclei at Large Transverse Momentum : Nuclear Physics
- A dual String Model with Quantized Regge Slope