Institute for materials Research, Tohoku University | 論文
- 磁気ヨークプローブを用いた引張試験片のその場磁気計測
- Point Defect Formation in V-4Cr-4Ti and F82H Irradiated with Fission and Fusion Neutrons
- Mechanical Properties of Soft Magnetic (Fe_Si_B_P_)_Cu_x (x = 0 and 0.1) Bulk Glassy Alloys
- Millimeter Wave FMR of Fe/MgO and Fe/MgF_2 Multilayers Using Strip-Lin Technique
- High Corrosion Resistant Ni-Based Glassy Alloys in Boiling Nitric Acid Solutions
- High Resolution Neutron Spectrometer LAM-80ET and Rotational Tunnelling in 4-Methypyridine N-Oxide
- Structural Study of Molten Silver Halides by Neutron Diffraction
- 17-P-40 Effect of Magnetic Field on Thermal Comvection of Glass Melt
- J0406-1-4 中性子照射した圧力容器鋼およびモデル合金の弾性定数の超音波共鳴法による測定(超音波計測・解析法の新展開(1))(超音波計測・解析法の新展開(1))
- Heterogeneous Process of Disordering and Structural Refinement in Ni_3Al during Severe Plastic Deformation by High-Pressure Torsion
- Effect of Nanocrystallization and Twinning on Hardness in Ni_3Al Deformed by High-Pressure Torsion
- Theoretical Investigation of Stable Structures of Ge_6 Clusters with Various Negative Charges
- All-Electron GW Calculation for Quasiparticle Energies in C_
- Stability of Copper Atoms Embedded in Sodium-Chloride Crystals
- GW Calculation of a Carbon Oxide Molecular Using an All-Electron Mixed-Basis Approach
- A Key for Photoinduced Insulator-Metal Transitions in Manganites : Lattice Constant Matching between Charge/Orbital Ordered Insulator and Ferromagnetic Metal(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Ultrafast Photoinduced Formation of Metallic State in a Perovskite-type Manganite with Short Range Charge and Orbital Order(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Photoinduced Dynamics of Sublattice Magnetization in Ferrimagnets : FeCr_2S_4 and CoCr_2S_4(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- SR8000システムにおける第一原理計算プログラムの並列実行による効率化実現
- Production of Ni_Cr_P_B_4 Metallic Glass-Coated Bipolar Plate for Fuel Cell by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel (HVOF) Spray Coating Method