Institute for Environmental Sciences | 論文
- ポストISSの有人宇宙活動の提言
- 触媒フィルタシステムを装備した閉鎖型シバヤギ飼育施設における臭気強度に関する考察
- Improvement of Analytical Sensitivity by Ar-N_2 Inductively Coupled Plasma in Axially Viewing Optical Emission Spectrometry
- Initial Performance Tests of the Closed Geosphere Experiment Facility (CGEF) for Investigation of Ecosystem Carbon Cycles
- Basic limnological study in an alpine Lake Puma Yumco, the pre-Himalayas, China
- First investigation of ultraoligotrophic alpine Lake Puma Yumco in the pre-Himalayas, China
- Urea decomposing activity of fractionated brackish phytoplankton in Lake Nakaumi
- 各種家畜糞に粗飼料を添加した培地におけるキノコ栽培果
- サンゴ内窒素配分におよぼす高温ストレスと硝酸塩の影響
- CELSSにおける微量ガス成分除去技術に関する研究(第2報) -温度が触媒フィルタの微量ガス成分除去特性に与える影響-
- Transcription Factor-recognition Sequences Potentially Involved in Modulation of Gene Expression after Exposure to Low-dose-rate γ-rays in the Mouse Liver
- 有人宇宙活動を支える技術
- Analysis of mutations associated with digestion of plasmid DNA with restriction enzymes
- 閉鎖系植物実験施設における作物固体群のCO_2交換シミュレーションへの光合成生化学モデルの適用
- Microarray Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in the Kidneys and Testes of Mice after Long-term Irradiation with Low-dose-rate γ-rays
- Induction of Rhodanese, a Detoxification Enzyme, in Livers from Mice after Long-term Irradiation with Low-dose-rate Gamma-rays
- 66 Tissue specific mitochondrial DNA deletions in aged and irradiated mice(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Miochondrial DNA Deletions and Aging induced by Low Dose Rate of Cs γ-ray in Mice
- CEEFでの使用を目的とした閉鎖型作業服の研究開発
- 閉鎖型生態系実験施設(CEEF)の陸・水圏実験施設について