Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken) | 論文
- X-Ray Spectra of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Ton S180 in Comparison with Galactic Black Holes
- Characterization of Small Superconducting Rings and Its Possible Application to New Single Flux Quantum Devices
- Conductance Fluctuations in GaAs/AlGaAs Narrow Wires in Quasi-Ballistic Regime
- Proton Polarization with Naphthalene Crystals by Integrated Solid Effect on Photoexcited Triplet State(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Three Distinct Terraces on a β-(ET)_2I_3 Surface Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Electronic and Magnetic States in Ferromagnets Observed by a Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Hydroxysulochrin, a Tea Pollen Growth Inhibitor from the Fungus Aureobasidium sp.(Organic Chemistry)
- XPS Studies on the Surface of Amorphous Pd_Si_ Alloys
- Suzaku Observations of Hercules X-1 : Measurements of the Two Cyclotron Harmonics
- Detailed Spectral Study of an Ultra-Luminous Compact X-Ray Source, M81 X-9, in the Disk-Dominated State
- A High Density of rRNA in the Generative Cells and Sperm Cells of Pollen Grains of Five Angiosperm Species
- Response of Electron Calorimeters for SCRIT Experiments
- Liquid Phase Epitaxy Growth of m-Plane GaN Substrate Using the Na Flux Method
- Fabrication of a-Plane GaN Substrate Using the Sr-Na Flux Liquid Phase Epitaxy Technique
- Dynamic charge of Cs atoms on GaAs(110)
- Titanium Carbide Single-Crystal Tips for High-Resolution Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
- Remarkable Functional Aspects of Myoglobin Induced by Diazaheme Prosthetic Group^1
- Kinetics of oxide cluster growth and decomposition on Si(111)
- Single-Electron-Charging Effect Controlled by the Distance between a Substrate and a Liquid-Crystal Molecule
- Production of ^Re by Proton Bombardment of Enriched ^W