Institute Of Geoscience University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- 関東山地西部の秩父帯北帯の石灰岩・チャート・頁岩の堆積年代
- 88 群馬県南牧村地域の秩父帯の層序
- 関東山地秩父帯北帯の蛇木層からジュラ紀最前期の放散虫化石群集の産出
- 131 関東山地西部の秩父帯北帯
- 関東山地西部の浜平層群 : ジュラ系-下部白亜系付加体の発達過程
- 関東山地の橋立層群の上部ジュラ系チャート
- 111 関東山地の白亜系含蛇紋岩礫岩の産状とその意義 : 三宝山付加体発達史
- 関東山地上野村地域から産出した後期三畳紀・前期ジュラ紀の放散虫群集
- 関東山地西部,楢原-梓山地域の中生層 : 中生代
- Late Paleocene to early Eocene planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Dungan Formation, Sulaiman Range, central Pakistan
- Middle Miocene to Pleistocene magneto-biostratigraphy of ODP Sites 1150 and 1151, northwest Pacific : Sedimentation rate and updated regional geological timescale
- Middle Miocene to Pleistocene radiolarian biostratigraphy in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, ODP Leg 186
- The Island Arc〔和文〕 (特集 21世紀の地学関連学会誌を考える)
- Tectonic implication of Lower Cretaceous chromian spinel-bearing sandstones in Japan and Korea
- 関東山地山中地域西部から産出した自亜紀前期六放珊瑚類
- Membrane Topology Inversion of SecG Detected by Labeling with a Membrane-Impermeable Sulfhydryl Reagent that Causes a Close Association of SecG with SecA
- Two SecG Molecules Present in a Single Protein Translocation Machinery Are Functional Even after Crosslinking
- Role of the Non-essential Region Encompassing the N-Terminal Two Transmembrane Stretches of Escherichia coli SecE
- Potassicleakeite, a New Amphibole from the Tanohata Mine, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
- Disruption of rpmJ Encoding Ribosomal Protein L36 Decreases the Expression of secY Upstream of the spc Operon and Inhibits Protein Translocation in Escherichia coli