Inst. of Low Temp. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. | 論文
- PB-49 Spatial distribution of sulfur-metabolizing bacteria in Chloroflexus-dominating hot spring microbial mats(Matter cycling,Poster presentation B)
- 2-21 Community structure and sulfide utilization in Chloroflexus-dominating microbial mats m Nakabusa hot spring(Extremophiles,Oral presentation)
- 1-22 Long-term Monitoring of Bacterial Community Succession in the Process of Long-time Aeration Activated Sludge by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis of 16S rRNA gene Fragments(Community structure 2,Oral presentation)
- Linkage between Light Microscopic Observations and Molecular Analysis by Single-Cell PCR for Ciliates
- A Taxon-specific Oligonucleotide Primer Set for PCR-based Detection of Soil Ciliate
- PB-05 Analysis of soil ciliates community using 18S rDNA(MICROBL COMMUNITY ANALYSIS,Session B,(1) Poster presentations)
- P-059 Community Analysis of Ciliates in Soil Based on 18S rDNA
- Microbial Community Structure, Pigment Composition, and Nitrogen Source of Red Snow in Antarctica
- Distribution of putative denitrifying methane oxidizing bacteria in sediment of a freshwater lake, Lake Biwa
- Sphingomonas amiensisとSphingomonas cloacaeによるノニルフェノール分解特性の解析(2003年度大会一般講演要旨)
- Vertical Profiles of Abundance and Potential Activity of Methane-Oxidizing Bacteria in Sediment of Lake Biwa, Japan
- カバークロップが土壌微生物相に及ぼす影響について(2005年度大会一般講演要旨)
- Isolation and Characterization of Novel Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Capable of Anaerobic Degradation of p-Xylene