Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University | 論文
- CCSR/NIES AGCM放射計算スキームへの大気の球面効果の導入
- P169 Application of Wind profilers : Diurnal and seasonal variation of precipitating cloud systems over Asia and Western Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Bird Migration Echoes Observed by Polarimetric Radar
- Structure of Moist Layer and Sources of Water over the Southern Region Far from the Meiyu/Baiu Front
- An Interpretation of TRMM Radar Observations of Shallow Convection with a Rain Cell Model(1. Precipitation Radar (PR),Precipitation Measurements from Space)
- Structure and Maintenance Process of Stationary Double Snowbands along the Coastal Region
- Application of a Method to Estimate Rainfall in Bangladesh Using GMS-5 Data
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Precipitation in and around Bangladesh
- Structure and Evolution of a Cumulonimbus Cloud Developed over a Mountain Slope with the Arrival of Sea Breeze in Summer
- Characteristics of Water Mass under the Surface Mixed Layer in Tsushima Straits and the Southwestern Japan Sea in Autumn
- 3次元雲場の放射伝達
- Resolution Dependency of the Diurnal Cycle of Convective Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau in a Mesoscale Model(The International Workshop on High-Resolution and Cloud Modeling, 2006)
- P320 Diurnal Variation of Summer Precipitation over the Central Tibetan Plateau
- Characteristics of a Dissipating Cloud Cluster over the East China Sea : A TRMM-Aircraft Simultaneous Observation
- Interannual Variation of Seasonal Changes of Precipitation and Moisture Transport in the Western North Pacific
- Characteristics of Low Level Jets over Okinawa in the Baiu and post-Baiu Seasons Revealed by Wind Profiler Observations
- Role of the Heated Landmass on the Evolution and Duration of a Heavy Rain Episode over a Meiyu-Baiu Frontal Zone
- Thermodynamic Impact of the Heated Landmass on the Nocturnal Evolution of a Cloud Cluster over a Meiyu-Baiu Front
- An Observational Study of the Development of a Rainband on a Meiyu Front Causing Heavy Rainfall in the Downstream Region of the Yangtze River
- Preface