Hokkaido Univ. Hakodate Jpn | 論文
- Life history and migration of Sakhalin taimen, Hucho perryi, caught from Lake Akkeshi in eastern Hokkaido, Japan, as revealed by Sr:Ca ratios of otoliths
- Development of myofibrillar ATPase assay system on pH stat
- Seasonal Vertical Migration within Sediment by the Brackish Water Clam Corbicula japonica
- シラス魚群マップ即日配信システムの紹介
- Effect of Iron on Oogonium Formation,Growth Rate and Pigment Synthesis of Laminaria japonica(Phaeophyta)
- Effects of Hypophysectomy and Replacement Therapy with Bovine Growth Hormone and Triiodothyronine on the in Vitro Uptake of Calcium and Methionine by Scales in the Goldfish, Carassius auratus
- 10. Numerical Simulations of the Transport Process of Walleye Pollock Eggs into Funka Bay
- Factors affecting the interval between clutches in the hermit crab Pagurus nigrivittatus
- Demospongic Acids of the Marine Sponge Halichondria panicea from the Coast of Hokkaido, Japan
- Exposure to Predators Affects Shell Preference of the Hermit Crab Pagurus filholi
- Evolutionary significance of prenuptial molting in female Pagurus hermit crabs
- 日本産トキダフシクレノリ(Gracilaria salicornia)の体上に生育する新属,新種,フシクレタケ(Congracilaria babae)〔英文〕
- Changes in Respiratory Metabolism During Callus Growth and Adventitious Root Formation in Jerusalem Artichoke Tuber Tissues
- 北海道西部日本海におけるホッコクアカエビに対するえびかごの網目選択性と網目拡大による漁獲量の変化
- Development of an expression system using the heat shock protein 70 promoter in the red macroalga, Porphyra tenera
- 仙台湾における鯨類餌生物・海洋調査
- 計量魚探による鯨類餌生物のモニタリング
- 北西太平洋沖合域におけるミンククジラ, イワシクジラ, ニタリクジラの餌選択
- Shell Utilization by the Hermit Crab Pagurus lanuginosus: Sexual Differences and Interspecific Comparisons
- The Spatial Structure of the Fishery in Nakaminato,Ibaraki Prefecture