Hiroshima Univ. Hiroshima | 論文
- Age-dependent Exposure to Radioactive Iodine (^I) in the Thyroid and Total Body of Newborn, Pubertal and Adult Fischer 344 Rats
- Biophysical Estimation of 131I Absorbed Doses and Changes in Plasma Free T3 and TSH After an ^I Injection in Newborn, Puberty and Adult Rats
- X-ray observation of celestial objects using the X-ray CCD(WSANE2006)
- Spectropolarimetric Study on Circumstellar Structure of Microquasar LS I + 61°303
- New Transient X-Ray Source in the Scutum Region Discovered with ASCA
- A Massive Substellar Companion to the Massive Giant HD 119445
- Number Density of Bright Lyman-Break Galaxies at z - 6 in the Subaru Deep Field
- Chemical Composition of Carbon-Rich, Very Metal-Poor Subgiant LP 625-44 Observed with the Subaru/HDS
- Beam Pattern Measurements and Observational Evaluations of the ALMA/ACA 12-m Antenna
- Superconducting Gap and Valence Band of Mg_Ir_B_ Studied by Laser and Synchrotron Photoemission Spectroscopy(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Orientation Dependence of Flaking of Ion Irradiated Aluminum Single Crystals
- ASTE Observations of Warm Gas in Low-Mass Protostellar Envelopes : Different Kinematics between Submillimeter and Millimeter Lines
- A Radiation-induced Murine Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumor Line : Introduction of v-ras Gene Potentiates a High Metastatic Ability
- Over-expressed ZF5 Gene Product, a c-myc-binding Protein Related to GL1-Kruppel Protein, Has a Growth-suppressive Activity in Mouse Cell Lines
- Transgemeration Carcinogenesis in the Progeny of Irradiated Male Mice
- Radiation-induced Apoptotic Cell Death in Human Gastric Epithelial Tumor Cells
- Giant Flare of SGR 1806-20 from a Relativistic Jet
- BS-6-20 "MONITOR OF ALL-SKY X-RAY IMAGE" SOFTWARE SYSTEM : PHOTON EVENT DATABASE(BS-6.Observation, communication and positioning technology of equipments mounted on satellite, aircraft, ship and ground,ENGLISH SESSION)
- An Approximate Method for Incommensurate Phase Transitions and Its Application to NaNO_2
- Contrasting Kondo-Lattice Behavior in CeTSi_3 and CeTGe_3(T=Rh and Ir)