Hiroshima City Univ. Hiroshima‐shi Jpn | 論文
- Datapath-Layout-Driven Design for Low-Power FPGA Implementation (特集:電子システムの設計技術と設計自動化)
- A Dynamic Index Allocation Scheme for Data Retrieval and Provision in Peer-to-Peer Networks
- Superimposed Frequency Symbol Based Adaptive Downlink OFDM with Frequency Spreading and Equalization(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- Stochastic Method of Determining Substream Modulation Levels for MIMO Eigenbeam Space Division Multiplexing
- Effect of Delay Spread Enhancement in MIMO Eigenbeam Space Division Multiplexing Transmission
- Differential Modulated Pilot Symbol Assisted Adaptive OFDM for Reducing the MLI with Predicted FBI
- Adaptive Sub-carrier Block Modulation with Differentially Modulated Pilot Symbol Assistance for Down-link OFDM Using Up-link Delay Spread
- Adaptive Sub-carrier Block Modulation with Differentially Modulated Pilot Symbol Assistance for Down-link OFDM Using Up-link Delay Spread
- Reverse Link Performance Improvement for Wideband OFDM Using Alamouti Coded Heterogeneous Polarization Antennas
- Differential Modulated Pilot Symbol Assisted Adaptive OFDM for Reducing the MLI with Predicted FBI
- TCP-STAR: TCP Congestion Control Method for Satellite Internet
- On the Effect of Scheduling in Test Generation
- A Variable-Length Coding Adjustable for Compressed Test Application
- An Adaptive Decompressor for Test Application with Variable-Length Coding
- Huffman-Based Test Response Coding
- Testing for the Programming Circuit of SRAM-Based FPGAs
- Development of a Topology Controllable Testing Environment for Mobile Ad Hoc Network Software
- An Adaptive Multihop Clustering Scheme for Ad Hoc Networks with High Mobility
- 2P-26 SAW/BAW振動子と可変容量を用いたチューナブルフィルタの非線形現象の解析(ポスターセッション)
- 2E-5 PMN-33%PT結晶を用いたSH-SAWデバイスにおけるレイリー波スプリアスの抑圧(測定技術,映像法,非破壊評価&圧電デバイス)