Hallym Univ. Chuncheon | 論文
- 肥満型及び痩せ型Zucker糖尿病肥満ラットの視床下部におけるオレキシンA及びニューロペプタイドYの発現変化(解剖学)
- Expressional Changes of Neuropeptide Y and Cholecystokinin in the Arcuate and Paraventricular Nuclei after Capsaicin Administration
- 高脂肪飼料飼育ラットの脳におけるコレクトキニンとニューロペプチド発現に関するカプサイシンの効果(解剖学)
- Effects of High Cholesterol Diet on Newly Generated Cells in the Dentate Gyrus of C57BL/6N and C3H/HeN Mice
- Anatomy: Ribosomal Protein S3 Immunoreactivity in the Young, Adult and Aged Gerbil Hippocampus
- Anatomical and Neuropeptidergic Properties of the Duodenal Neurons Projecting to the Gallbladder in the Golden Hamster