HOSEI University | 論文
- 2P043 The T-R State Transition Cannot Fully Explain the Allosteric Function of a Protein(The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- A system of $\lambda\mu$ - calculus proper to the implicational fragment of classical natural deduction with one conclusion
- Modeling of Quality Parameter Values for Improving Meshes
- Development of the surface mesh quality improvement algorithm
- The Development of S. Korea's Steel Industry
- 1P102 T quaternary state of oxy haemoglobin in the presence of heterotropic effectors(Heme proteins,The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)
- 石崎昭彦・佐々木隆雄・鈴木直次・春田素夫著, 『現代のアメリカ経済』, 東京 : 東洋経済新報社, 1988, 277p., \3, 200
- 冷戦終焉二〇年と中・東欧--二〇周年はなぜもり上がらないのか (特集 ベルリンの壁崩壊から20年を経て)
- INT-05 Development of Tripod Parallel Mechanism(Intelligent Machines I,Technical Program of Oral Presentations)
- Optimal Allocation of SVCs in Distribution Systems Using Probabilistic Characteristics of Wind Power Generators and Monte Carlo Simulation
- AN ASYMPTOTIC VALUATION FOR THE OPTION UNDER A GENERAL STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY(Special Issue on Theory, Methodology and Applications in Financial Engneering)
- Statistical Study of Radiation Induced Malignant Tumors in Japan
- Chaotic Spike-Train with Line-Like Spectrum
- Inter-Spike interval characteristics of piecewise constant chaotic spikiing oscillators (第21回 回路とシステム軽井沢ワークショップ論文集) -- (カオスと分岐)
- Synthesis of Dense and Pinhole-free Y-zeolite for Separation Membrane Using a Modified Hydrothermal Method
- 社会党と議会主義の朽廃
- Special Section of Selected Papers from the 9th Karuizawa Workshop on Circuits and Systems
- Stability Analysis of Fuzzy Control Systems Based on Phase Plane Analysis(Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems)
- 欧州議会は、なぜ従軍慰安婦非難決議を出したか (特集 歴史認識問題と国際関係)