Graduate School of fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University | 論文
- 脂肪酸分析のための蛍光誘導体化試薬9-アントラセンメタノールの精製
- サステイナビリティと生態学(3)海洋生態系とサステイナビリティ (総集編 「サステナ」は何を伝えてきたのか) -- (連載講座(再録))
- 北海道木古内湾におけるマコガレイ成魚の生活年周期
- Disruption of normal meiosis in artificial inter-populational hybrid females of Misgurnus loach
- Sensitivity of CFCs and Anthropogenic CO_2 Uptake in a North Pacific GCM to Mixing Parameterization and Surface Forcing
- Seasonal Changes in Nano/Micro-Zooplankton Herbivory and Heterotrophic Nano-Flagellates Bacterivory off Cape Esan, Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan
- Spatial hierarchical approach in community ecology : a way beyond high context-dependency and low predictability in local phenomena
- 水産重要魚種における配偶子形成の内分泌機構 : 難種苗生産魚種(ウナギ等)
- Deleterious effect of diatom diets on egg production and hatching success in the marine copepod Pseudocalanus newmani
- Diatoms Grow Faster Using Ammonium in Rapidly Flushed Eutrophic Dokai Bay, Japan
- Reinvestigation of positional distribution of tetracosahexaenoic acid in triacyl-sn-glycerols of flathead flounder flesh
- Introduction : Processes and Dynamics in the Northwestern Pacific Ecosystems (from China-Japan-Korea Joint GLOBEC Symposium, 13-15 December 2002 at Ansan, Korea)
- A Comparison of Simulated Particle Fluxes Using NEMURO and Other Ecosystem Models in the Western North Pacific
- Effect of Aquaculture on Material Cycles in Otsuchi Bay, Japan
- シロギス雄の血中ビテロゲニン量に及ぼす雌魚の影響
- Video analysis of fish schooling behavior in finite space using a mathematical model
- Modeling of net for calculation method of dynamic fishing net shape (Proceedings of International Commemorative Symposium 70th Anniversary of The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science)
- トリアシルグリセロールの立体特異分析
- Mooring Limit of Small Fishing Boat at Kumaishi Fishing Port〔含 質疑応答〕
- Phenomena and Factors of Port Disturbances by Long-period Waves at Kumaishi Fishing Port〔含 Questions and Answers〕