Graduate School of Medicine Osaka University | 論文
- Acute Effects of Dihydrocapsaicin and Capsaicin on the Distribution of White Blood Cells in Rats
- Zinc-Deficiency Induced Changes in the Distribution of Rat White Blood Cells
- Effects of the β_2-Agonist Clenbuterol on β_1- and β_2-Adrenoceptor mRNA Expressions of Rat Skeletal and Left Ventricle Muscles
- 1P-162 強い結合状態へ遷移する前のミオシンIIに負荷を加えるための高速スキャン実験(分子モーター(1),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- (E41106) Effects of Oral Creatine Supply on Work Capacity in Man
- Effects of Creatine and Its Analog, β-Guanidinopropionic Acid, on the Differentiation of and Nucleoli in Myoblasts
- Role(s) of mechanical load and satellite cells in the regulation of the size of soleus muscle fiber in rats
- 1AC7 Central neural mechanisms involved in chopstick manipulation(The Proceeding of the 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 29-30, (Hiroshima))
- 2D02 Age-related changes in sensory-motor function of the individual fingers
- 2D01 The difference in cortical and subcortieal activity between sighted and unsighted conditions when performing the precision grip task : a PET study
- 2P5:Effect of long-term piano training on the difference in dynamic motor function of individual fingers
- 1E5:Brain areas responsible for preparation and execution of lifting an object with the precision grip: a PET study
- D-16-2 A Study of Segmenting Ultrasound Image Based on Bilateral Filtering and Fuzzy Clustering
- 2P-P-29 Effects of high-intensity intermittent training on the water for the improvement of rowing performance(The Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 2-3, (Nara))
- 1-P-07 Effect of hindlimb suspension on hippocampal neurogenesis in weaned rats(The Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Jury 25-26, (Tokyo))
- (E11106) Effects of 9 Weeks of Hindlimb-Suspension on Rat Back Muscle Fibers
- 2P-125 ダブルトラップ系を用いたミオシンIIのアクチンとの負荷依存的な結合の観察(分子モーター,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Adaptive effects of the β_2-agonist clenbuterol on expression of β_2-adrenoceptor mRNA in rat fast-twitch fiber-rich muscles
- 1PD7 Time course of blood pressure changes immediately after maximal exercise(The Proceeding of the 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology July 29-30, (Hiroshima))
- Redundant TC Message Senders in OLSR