Graduate School of Marine Science and Engineering, Nagasaki University | 論文
- Vacuolar Degeneration of Gastric Glands of Juvenile Japanese Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
- バングラデシュ産カブトガニCarcinoscorpius rotundicaudaにおける毒成分としてのTetrodotoxinの検出
- バングラデシュにおけるタキフグTakifugu oblongusによる最初の食中毒事件と同種を含む海洋フグ3種の毒性
- タイ産汽水ハチノジフグTetraodon steindachneriの毒性と主成分としてのTetrodotoxinの検出
- タイ産汽水ミドリフグTetraodon nigroviridisからのTTXの検出
- Geographic Variation in the Skull Morphology of the Finless Porpoise Neophocaena Phocaenoides in Japanese Waters
- Songs of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae in the Ryukyu and Bonin regions.
- Larval and juvenile development of the dragonet, Paradiplogrammus enneactis, reared in a laboratory
- Drug resistance of bacteria isolated from the intestine of yellowtail cultured with feeds containing various drugs
- Unusual Formation of Cyclometallated C, H-trans-Hydridoruthenium(II)Complexes and Their Isomerization into C, H-cis-Types
- Formation of Di- and Tricarbonylruthenium(0) Species from [RuH_2(CO)(PPh_3)_3] Via Decarbonylation of Methyl Benzoates: X-Ray Crystal Structures of [Ru(CO)_2(PPh_3)_3] and [Ru(0_2)(CO)_2 (PPh_3)_2]
- An NMR Study on The Ruthenium Complex-Catalyzed C-H/Olefin Coupling Reaction
- New Types of Coupling Reactions of Some Nitriles on Ruthenium Complexes
- 実験的 Streptococcus iniae 感染ヒラメの発病過程に関する免疫組織化学的検討
- ヒラメ仔稚魚の成長, 生残におよぼす給餌率の影響
- ヒラメレンサ球菌症の実験感染
- 内臓癒着を伴うマダイ仔魚の大量死の病理
- An Image Compression Algorithm Based on Dynamically Stratifying Submatrices and Vector Space
- Contact infection trials failed to reproduce the disease condition of mass mortality in cultured pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii
- The role of positional values in peripheral neurons to the innervation pattern formation in the chick limb(Developmental Biology)(Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)