Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University | 論文
- Preparation of N-Doped TiO_x Films as Photocatalyst Using Reactive Sputtering with Dry Air
- Novel Evaluation Method of Elemental Recyclability from Urban Mine : Concept of Urban Ore TMR
- Evaluation of the Potential Amounts of Dissipated Rare Metals from WEEE in Japan
- Classification of Particle Orbits near the Magnetic Axis in a Tokamak by Using Constants of Motion
- 4a-T-4 シャフラノフシフトの大きいヘリカル系におけるバルーニングモード
- 30a-Q-8 有限ベータトカマクにおける磁場リップル構造
- 29p-YX-9 ヘリオトロンにおける電流駆動型不安定性に対するトロイダル効果
- 3a-T-13 l=2ヘリオトロンのMHD平衡と安定性に対する電流分布の影響 II
- Start-Up of Spherical Torus by ECH without Central Solenoid in the LATE Device
- 28aA14P ヘリオトロンJにおけるECHプラズマ生成(トカマク2/ヘリカル1)
- Tokamak Equilibria with Toroidal Flows
- バルーニング方程式
- ITER物理R&D専門家会合報告
- 2P2c-9 熱損傷を受けたグラナイトの非線形超音波計測(ポスターセッション)
- Pyrolysis reactions of Japanese cedar and Japanese beech woods in a closed ampoule reactor
- Plasma Current Sustainment and Ramp-Up by Electron Cyclotron Waves in the WT-2 Tokamak
- Formation of High Energy Electron Tail during rf Plasma Current Start-Up in the WT-2 Tokamak
- Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation Using the Orbit Averaged Electron Drift-Kinetic Equation
- Dependence of Plasma Profiles on Ech Power Absorption in Heliotron-E
- Enhancement and Suppression of Density Fluctuations around Electron Drift Frequency in Heliotron E Plasmas Measured Using CO_2 Laser Phase Contrast Method