Graduate School Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- Annealing Effect of 80 K-Class Superconductivity of Ca-Doped B2S2CuO6+\delta in Bi-2201 Phase
- Elastic Properties of Lithium Germanate Glasses Studied by Brillouin Scattering
- 24aPS-22 キサンチン酸化還元酵素に対するフェブキソスタットの阻害作用(24aPS 領域12ポスターセッション,領域12(ソフトマター物理,化学物理,生物物理))
- Elastic Properties of Cryoprotective Alcohols
- Cubic-Rhombohedral Structural Phase Transition in Na1.32Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.83\Cdot3.6H2O
- Magnetic Properties of Vacance-Controlled Na3y-2Cr[Cr(CN)6]yzH2O
- An Atomistic Study on Hydrogenation Effects toward Quality Improvement of Program/Erase Cycle of MONOS-Type Memory
- 2Pb1-7 リチウムセシウムホウ酸塩ガラス、結晶およびその融液の高温における弾性的性質(ポスターセッション)
- 2Pb1-6 凍結防御剤への応用を目指した音波によるイオン液体のガラス転移の研究(ポスターセッション)
- 1D1424 タンパク質の熱安定性に与える緩衝剤種の影響(蛋白質_物性1,第49回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Algebraic Local Cohomology Classes Attached to Unimodal Singularities
- Remote Controlled Intramolecular Exciplex Formation and Enhanced Photoisomerization in Stilbene-cored Poly(benzyl ether) Dendrimers with Alkoxycarbonyl Surface Functional Groups
- High Temperature Brillouin Scattering of Potassium Borate Glasses
- Extraction of hadron interactions above inelastic threshold in lattice QCD
- Elastic Properties of Potassium Borate Glass in a Wide Composition Range Studied by Brillouin Scattering
- Glass Transitions and Elastic Properties of Lithium Borate Glasses over a Wide Composition Range Studied by Micro-Brillouin Scattering
- Brillouin Scattering Study of Liquid Glass Transition in Lithium Borate Glass
- Kadanoff-Baym Approach to Thermalization of Gluonic Matter (熱場の量子論とその応用)
- Thin Film Electrodes of Prussian Blue Analogues with Rapid Li Intercalation
- Exploring Three-Nucleon Forces in Lattice QCD