Graduate School Of Pure And Applied Sciences University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- Oxidization/Reduction Process of Prussian Blue Film as Investigated by Valence-Differential Spectroscopy
- Exploring Three-Nucleon Forces in Lattice QCD(Nuclear Physics)
- 顕微ブリルアン散乱法によるイオン液体のガラス転移の研究
- Microfluidic Device for Sequential Injection and Flushing of Solutions and its Application to Immunosensing
- Ca Substitution Effect for Sr upon Superconductivity of Bi2.1CaySr1.9-yCuO6+δ
- Thermal Rectification in the Vicinity of a Structural Phase Transition
- Charge-Transfer State and Charge Dynamics in Poly(9,9'-dioctylfluorene-co-bithiophene) and [6,6]-Phenyl C_-butyric Acid Methyl Ester Blend Film
- Simple Method of Confirming Wet Environment for Soft X-ray Microscopy to Observe Hydrated Biological Specimens
- 2-(N-Acyl-N-carboxymethylamino)-1-nitrodibenzo[b,d]thiophene : A New Class of Caging Group for Environmental Selective Photorelease of Carboxylic Acid
- The Coffee Diterpene Kahweol Prevents Osteoclastogenesis via Impairment of NFATc1 Expression and Blocking of Erk Phosphorylation
- Control of Photoisomerization in Water-soluble Stilbene Dendrimers by Conformation of Dendrons : How Water-soluble Dendrimer Molecules Are Dissolved in Water
- Characterization of Metal/High-$k$ Structures Using Monoenergetic Positron Beams
- Thin Film Electrodes of Prussian Blue Analogues with Rapid Li^+ Intercalation
- Carbazole Dyes with Ether Groups for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells : Effect of Negative Charges in Dye Molecules on Electron Lifetime (Special Issue : Photovoltaic Science and Engineering)
- Rapid diagnostic device for subclinical mastitis based on electrochemical detection of superoxide produced from neutrophils in fresh milk (特集 農業センサシステム)
- Polarity-dependent Photophysical Properties of Hemicyanine Dyes and Their Application in 2-Photon Microscopy Biological Imaging
- Exploring Three-Nucleon Forces in Lattice QCD
- Interface Dependence of Charge Formation Dynamics in Hexabenzocoronene-C_
- Geometries and Electronic Structures of Diamond Nanoparticles
- Structural Phase Diagram of Mn--Fe Cyanide against Cation Concentration