Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University | 論文
- Sesquiterpene Aminoquinones, from a Marine Sponge, Induce Erythroid Differentiation in Human Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, K562 Cells
- Reversing Effect of Agosterol A, a Spongean Sterol Acetate, on Multidrug Resistance in Human Carcinoma Cells
- 各種甘草含有成分のHPLCによる定量分析
- 3P-081 ファージ表面提示法を用いたTNFR1指向性リンフォトキシンαの創製とその特性評価(蛋白質工学,進化工学,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Effects of Labrasol and Other Pharmaceutical Excipients on the Intestinal Transport and Absorption of Rhodamine123, a P-Glycoprotein Substrate, in Rats(Biopharmacy)
- 難吸収性薬物の消化管吸収に対するNO供与体の吸収促進効果の特性 : 従来型の吸収促進剤との比較
- Evaluation of Insulin Permeability and Effects of Absorption Enhancers on Its Permeability by an in Vitro Pulmonary Epithelial System Using Xenopus Pulmonary Membrane
- Evaluation of Angiogenic Inhibitors with an in vivo Quantitative Angiogenesis Method Using Agarose Microencapsulation and Mouse Hemoglobin Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
- Selective Enhancement by Tumor Necrosis Factor-α of Vascular Permeability of New Blood Vessels Induced with Agarose Hydrogel-entrapped Meth-A Fibrosarcoma Cells
- A Quantitative in vivo Method of Analyzing Human Tumor-induced Angiogenesis in Mice Using Agarose Microencapsulation and Hemoglobin Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
- Total Synthesis of (±)-Stemodinone via an EfficientRing-Exchange Strategy
- 甘草修治における成分変化 : 皮去り甘草と炙甘草中のサポニン及びフラボノイド成分の定量分析
- 日本産アカヤジオウとカイケイジオウの交配種フクチヤマジオウ根の含有成分
- インドネシア薬用植物第XXI報 : Erythrina variegata樹皮とMaclura cochinchinensis根から単離したNa+/H+交換阻害物質
- インドネシア薬用植物 第XVIII報 : Koompassia malaccensis(マメ科)樹皮から単離した新規スチルベン-フェニルプロパノイド、Kompasonol A(発表論文抄録(1997))
- インドネシア薬用植物 第XVII報 : Quassia indica枝から単離したカッシノイド類の解析(発表論文抄録(1997))
- Bio-organic synthesis of a newly isolated peptide metastin
- Synthesis of New Peptides, Apelin and Galanin-Like Peptide, by a Combination of Recombinant DNA Technology and Chemical Cleavage Reaction
- Synthesis of New Peptides with Prolactin-releasing Activity by a Combination of Recombinant DNA Technology and a Cysteine-specific Cyanylation Reaction
- Synthesis of New Peptides with Prolactin-releasing Activity by a Combination of Recombinant DNA Technology and a Cysteine-specific Cyanylation Reaction