Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University | 論文
- Signal Recovery in Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Systems with Known Partial Channel State Information
- Piperine, a Pepper Ingredient, Improves the Hepatic Increase in Free Fatty Acids Caused by 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
- 403 ナノインプリント法による3次元多層構造の作製(GS-16 精密計測・精密加工)
- Distribution of Virulence Genes Related to Adhesins and Toxins in Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Healthy Cattle and Diarrheal Patients in Japan
- ナノインプリントの基礎と光学応用
- 細胞のマイクロ粘弾性解析
- 静電駆動マイクロカンチレバーのたわみ変位, たわみ速度制御 : 制御器の遅れ特性を考慮した場合
- 走査型プローブ顕微鏡のフォースモジュレーション法による高分子の粘弾性特性評価
- 分子動力学法による欠陥のあるカーボンナノユーブの力学的特性
- ナノ・インプリント法によるガラス表面の微細加工
- Maternal exposure to dioxin reduces hypothalamic but not pituitary metabolome in fetal rats : a possible mechanism for a fetus-specific reduction in steroidogenesis
- 炭化ケイ素ナノ粉末-ポリカルボシラン混合スラリーの異常高粘度に関するネットワーク構造の影響
- ナノインプリントリソグラフィーによるモルフォブルー量産技術の開発
- Distribution of ^C-2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin to the brain and peripheral tissues of fetal rats and its comparison with adults
- An Attempt of CUDA Implementation of PCA-SIFT(Internationa Session 6)
- Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Temperature-Induced Valence Transition in EuNi_2(Si_Ge)_2(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- 20 Development and Demonstration of CAD/CFD/Optimizer Integrated Simulation-Based Design Framework by Using High-Fidelity Viscous Free-Surface RaNS Equation Solver
- Crystal Growth and Interfacial Characterization of Dielectric BaZrO_3 Thin Films on Si Substrates
- Influence of Deformation Mechanism on the Superplastic Forging of High-Strength Mg Alloy by Three-Dimensional Finite Volume Simulation
- Multiuser data separation for short message service using ICA (通信方式)