Finnish Forest Research Institute | 論文
- Promoting human health through forests : overview and major challenges
- Heterobasidion australe, a new polypore derived from the Heterobasidion insulare complex
- Crystallinity of wood and the size of cellulose crystallites in Norway spruce (Picea abies)
- Microfibril angle of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] compression wood: comparison of measuring techniques
- The Importance of Nature to Finns and the Relationship of the use of Green Areas on Perceived Health And Restorative Experiences
- フィンランドにおける伐出作業の生産性とコスト
- Feasibility of silviculture for complex stand structures : designing stand structures for sustainability and multiple objectives
- How Forest Management and Climate Change Affect the Carbon Sequestration of a Norway Spruce Stand?(Multipurpose Forest Management)
- Silvicultural alternatives in an uneven-sized forest dominated by Picea abies
- Peroxidase Activity, Isoenzymes and Histological Localisation in Sapwood and Heartwood of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
- 2-2 ^1H NMR法による土壌生態系のDOM特性の把握 : フィンランド・ラミー地域の事例(2.土壌有機・無機化学,2012年度鳥取大会)
- Alternate attractors in the population dynamics of a tree-killing bark beetle
- スキャナ法を用いたフィンランド北方林における土壌画像取得の試み