Field Science Center, Hokkaido University | 論文
- Effects of cold stress on immune function in the grey-sided vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus
- Taxonomic status of the vole in Daikoku Island, Hokkaido, Japan : examination based on morphology and genetics
- Application of Cohort Analysis to Large Terrestrial Mammal Harvest Data
- Adaptive management of sika deer populations in Hokkaido, Japan : theory and practice
- Trapping methods of wood mice for microsatellite DNA analyses
- Spatial genetic relationships in a population of the Japanese wood mouse Apodemus argenteus
- A combined field and laboratory study on social odor for the gray-sided vole Clethrionomys rufocanus
- エゾヤチネズミの個体数変動パターンの地理的変異--なぜ北方では大変動するのか? (総特集 動物の個体数変動様式の南北差)
- 野ねずみとササの相互作用について
- The gap between the concept and definitions in the Evolutionarily Significant Unit : the need to integrate neutral genetic variation and adaptive variation
- Genetic status of fragmented populations of the Asian black bear Ursus thibetanus in western Japan
- 特集「生態秩序」(3)ドングリを持ち去るのは誰か?--「分散貯蔵」されたミズナラ堅果の消失
- 動物の個体数変動が教えてくれること--野ねずみの長期個体数調査資料の分析から (特集 自然はどう移り変わるのか)
- New editorial board
- Special features and issues
- New logo and updated editorial board
- "Open Choice" and electronic supplementary materials
- Optimal conditions for immune function in the grey-sided vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus : temperature and immunization period
- New editorial office and new submission system
- Re-evaluation of the relationship between rodent populations and acorn masting: a review from the aspect of nutrients and defensive chemicals in acorns