Field Science Center, Hokkaido University | 論文
- 「第3回齧歯類の生物学と管理に関する国際会議」に参加して
- Latitudinal gradients in stream invertebrate assemblages at a regional scale on Hokkaido Island, Japan
- Estimating number of families for an urban fox population by using two public data sets
- Culling Versus Density Effects in Management of a Deer Population
- Harvest-based Bayesian estimation of sika deer populations using state-space models
- Fecal nitrogen as an index of dietary nitrogen in two sika deer Cervus nippon populations
- Evaluation of relative density indices for sika deer in eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- Dystocia in free-ranging sika deer Cervus nippon under food limitation
- Variation in the herd composition counts of sika deer
- Effects of acorn abundance on density dependence in a Japanese wood mouse (Apodemus speciosus) population
- IMC9見どころ, 聴きどころ
- 生態学会53回大会シンポジウム「モデルとデータのギャップを埋める : 生態学における理論研究と実証研究の連携」印象記「自分も参加出来そうな気がしてきた」(参加レポート, 生態学における理論研究と実証研究の連携)
- 第9回国際哺乳類学会議を終えて
- 宮地賞の意義と問題点(私的考察)(意見)
- 野ねずみにおける個体数変動パターンの地理的な勾配 : 密度依存性のパターンとプロセス(LI 個体群生態学の新しい展望 : ダイナミクスから進化まで)(日本生態学会創立50周年記念大会基調シンポジウム)
- 国際哺乳類学会議 南アから日本へ
- Effects of acorn masting on population dynamics of three forest-dwelling rodent species in Hokkaido, Japan
- Effects of regime shifts on the population dynamics of the grey-sided vole in Hokkaido, Japan
- Mechanisms of density dependence in fluctuating vole populations : deducing annual density dependence from seasonal processes
- Negative effects of acorns on the wood mouse Apodemus speciosus