Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University | 論文
- Epitaxial growth of metastable hcp-Ni and hcp-NiFe thin films on Au(100)fcc single-crystal underlayers and their structure characterization
- ENDOR Study of S Center in AgCl
- Anomalous Specific Heat of Silver Chloride Crystals Doped with Sulphur
- Morphology of Buried Valleys under a Holocene Alluvial Fan : Reconstruction Based on Geodatabase of the Arakawa, Central Japan(Turkey-Japan Joint Conference on Geomorphology)
- Electronic Structure of Excitons in KCl
- Conduction Band Structure of KCl
- Improvements on Belt Machined Surface Flatness by Using Fuzzy Inference Based on a Simulational Method
- Design of Autonomous TPG Circuits for Use in Two-Pattern Testing
- Stuck-Open Fault Detectabilities of Various TPG Circuits for Use in Two-Pattern Testing
- Source Coding of Sentences with Truth Values on a [0,1]-Valued Logic System (Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications)
- Methods of Rapid Microbiological Assay and Their Application to Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Fabrication
- An Efficient Homotopy Method That Can Be Easily Implemented on SPICE(VLSI Design Technology and CAD)
- An Efficient Homotopy Method for Finding DC Operating Points of Nonlinear Circuits(Nonlinear Theory and its Applications)
- A Homotopy Method Using a Nonlinear Auxiliary Function for Solving Transistor Circuits(General and Nonlinear Circuits and Systems, Recent Advances in Circuits and Systems-Part 1)
- Path Following Circuits : SPICE-Oriented Numerical Methods Where Formulas are Described by Circuits(Selected Papers from the 17th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa)
- An Efficient Homotopy Method for Solving Nonlinear Circiuts
- Finding All DC Operating Points of Piecewise-Linear Circuits Containing Neither Voltage nor Current Controlled Resistors(Nonlinear Problems)
- Multivalued Logic for Inference Chain, Induction and Deduction
- Wiener-Hopf Analysis of the Diffraction by a Parallel-Plate Waveguide Cavity with Partial Material Loading