Faculty of Pharmacy, Yasuda Womens University | 論文
- Crotalionosides A—C, Three New Megastigmane Glucosides, Two New Pterocarpan Glucosides and a Chalcone C-Glucoside from the Whole Plants of Crotalaria zanzibarica
- New Sesquiterpene Glucosides from Crepidiastrum lanceolatum
- Three New Taxanes from the Roots of Taxus yunnanensis
- Turpinionosides A-E : Megastigmane Glucosides from Leaves of Turpinia ternata NAKAI
- New Megastigmane and Tetraketide from the Leaves of Euscaphis japonica
- An Iridoid Glucoside Dimer and a Non-glycosidic Iridoid from the Leaves of Lasianthus wallichii
- Labdane Diterpenoids from Marrubium globosum ssp. globosum
- Nepetaracemosides A and B, Iridoid Glucosides from Nepeta racemosa
- Glochidionolactones A-F : Butenolide Glucosides from Leaves of Glochidion zeylanicum (GAERTN) A. JUSS
- A Novel Dimeric Butenolide, Glochidiolide, from the Leaves of Glochidion Acuminatum MUELL
- Glochiflavanosides A-D : Flavanol Glucosides from the Leaves of Glochidion zeylanicum (GAERTN) A.Juss
- Isolation of Lignan Glucosides and Neolignan Sulfate from the Leaves of Glochidion zeylanicum (Gaertn) A. Juss
- Megastigmane, Benzyl and Phenethyl Alcohol Glycosides, and 4,4'-Dimethoxy-β-truxinic Acid Catalpol Diester from the Leaves of Premna subscandens MERR.
- A Collagen Network Formation Effector from Leaves of Premna subscandens
- Tareciliosides H—M: Further Cycloartane Glycosides from Leaves of Tarenna gracilipes
- Identification of the Antioxidation Reaction Products from a Sinapic Ester in a Lipid Oxidation System
- Tyrosinase Inhibitory Activity of Ethanol Extracts from Medicinal and Edible Plants Cultivated in Okinawa and Identification of a Water-Soluble Inhibitor from the Leaves of Nandina domestica
- 5-Alkylresorcinol glucosides from the leaves of Grevillea robusta Allan Cunningham
- Megastigmane glucosides and an unusual monoterpene from the leaves of Cananga odorata var. odorata, and absolute structures of megastigmane glucosides isolated from C. odorata var. odorata and Breynia officinalis
- Elaeocarpionoside, a megastigmane glucoside from the leaves of Elaeocarpus japonicus Sieb. et Zucc.