Faculty of Engineering Gifu University | 論文
- A Study on the Deflection and Reattachment of an Axisymmetric Radial Wall Jet (Deflection of Main Jet Near Nozzle) : Fluids Engineering
- Study on the Control of Radial Attaching Jet Flow (5 th Report, Comparison of the Results Between Velocity, Pressure and Flow Visualization) : Series B : Fluids Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysical Properties
- Study on Control of Radial Attaching Jet Flow : 4th Report, Flow at and after Reattachment Point : Series B : Fluid Engineering, Heat Transfer, Combustion, Power, Thermophysical Properties
- Study on Control of Radial Attaching Jet Flow : 3rd Report, Flow before Reattachment Point
- The Distances between Unrooted and Cyclically Ordered Trees and Their Computing Methods
- Effect of Nitrogen Uptake on the Curie Temperature of Intermetallic Compounds R_2Fe_ and R_2Fe_C_
- Heat Transfer by Dual Jet Discharged into a Rectangular Duct
- エアロトレイン浮上走行姿勢制御法の開発(流体工学,流体機械)
- 円弧型エアロトレイン翼の地面効果特性(流体工学,流体機械)
- 106 上反角を持つエアロトレイン翼の空力特性(流体II)
- 1505 ダクト状ガイドウェイ内を走行するエアロトレインの地面効果特性
- F08-(5) 東北大学に新たに設置された曳航風洞の性能試験
- C131 エアロトレインの空力解析について
- Nobeyama Millimeter Array Observations of the Nuclear Starburst of M83 : A GMA Scale Correlation between Dense Gas Fraction and Star Formation Efficiency
- Hubble Constant at Intermediate Redshift Using the CO-Line Tully-Fisher Relation
- CO Observations of Luminous IR Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift
- Distance Measurement of Galaxies to a Redshift of-0.1 Using the CO-Line Tully-Fisher Relation
- Textbase with Syntactic Structure and It's Application to SimilarSentenceRetrieval
- An Application of Livengood-Wu Integral Method to Predict Time of Cool Flame Explosion During Piston Compression Process
- Type-Ia Supernova SN 1995D in NGC 2962 : Optical V, R, and I Band Photometry and Spectra